Cowboy Heat Read online
By CJ Raine
Text Copyright 2013 CJ Raine
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, without permission from the author.
The normally peaceful ranch, THE DOUBLE M, was in upheaval.
In the breeding barn Marie was preparing the mare to stand for the stallion. The red quarter horse was already antsy and Marie talked to her softly.
“Being in heat is a time stopper little girl. Settle down so we can get you out there.”
The mare snorted gently and danced around.
From outside Marie could hear her father barking orders and directing the driver of a horse trailer to the paddocks where the newly purchased stock would be kept until they were checked over by the vet and assigned stalls.
Even over that she heard HIS voice, the one she waited to hear every day, discussing the breaking of the mustang brought in last week with one of the hands. Jack was pounding his next chore into the head of an already overworked cowboy
“I’m anxious to get this jug head settled and trained. I got a lot of other things to tend to, Frank”. Work on him for a while will ya, be right back”
Then Jack was there in the barn. She could feel his presence. “Your father said to get the mare out now.”
Marie continued to twist the mare’s tail up tightly to keep it out of the way during the process. “Yeah, yeah. Tell him to hold his britches on. I have to get this little lady ready for her man.”
As Marie said the words she felt the heat in her own gut at the thought of male and female union. She hadn’t heard Jack move and looked over her shoulder. He was still there with one foot out of the barn and the other planted firmly while he watched her closely.
Getting caught gawking Jack jerked out of the barn and headed away. He felt it too, she knew it. When they were around each other, there was something drawing them toward each other. Something hot. Something forbidden.
The magnificent stud was already in the corral. One of the hands held the lead rope up short trying to contain the stallion’s excitement and strength. The horse snorted and shook his head from side to side his brilliant mane flying wildly. As Marie led the mare toward him the natural need to mate became a tangible addition to the air.
Both horses strained at the limitations their handlers had on them. They both wanted to run free out into the forest and proceed with their mating in the wild.
Marie moved swiftly and led the mare to a corner of the corral and positioned her up close to the rail. The hired hand followed quickly trotting beside the stallion and brought him up right behind the mare. There was some nickering and head shaking while the stud dropped his long, thick penis into position and then immediately mounted and drove himself into his unsteady mate. The mare instinctively backed up against him and they were solidly united.
The horses led back into stalls in different buildings, Marie washed up a little at the horse trough and headed in to check in the new livestock with her father. It was her duty to keep the records on the Double M and she was diligent about it. Someday this place would be hers and she wanted to be the best.
About an hour before sundown Marie spotted Jack on his horse moving toward the wood line as he seemed to do almost every evening. Finished her chores now she hustled to the barn and saddled her horse. Picking up a rolled blanket she tied it to the back of the saddle and off she went intent of finding out where that luscious man went.
So this was it. It made sense. Jack Robertson came to the same place every hot afternoon to slip down to the river and cool off. Working for her father on their horse ranch was dirty, sweaty work.
Marie slipped from her horse to walk him behind a thick stand of trees. She padded quiet as an Indian across the twig and limb dusty path careful to stay out of sight.
Jack was handsome with all that thick mahogany colored hair swirling down to the top of his T-shirt. His muscled arms would be hard beneath her fingers. They had bumped into each other more than once while they worked side by side and she had felt the solid wall of him.
He slipped his shirt over his head and tossed it on a fallen log. Her heart did a little flip at the sight of his strong back and that familiar coil of heat spiraled through her. She could imagine how it would feel to run her fingertips across his shoulders
A black leather belt held his jeans snug to his waist. He had a nice rear encased in those tight pants. She wanted to see the front of him where that belt met with the dark swirl of hair that disappeared there.
As if he heard her thoughts he turned around and looked up the slight incline to the trees. She hugged the tree tighter so he wouldn’t notice her. Yet.
Pulling off his boots, he slid out of his jeans and wearing no underwear quickly stepped into the cool water. She could see the swift current of the river increasing out toward the middle. Everyone knew to stay close to the riverbank.
When he swam out a little too far she stood up to watch. He quickly controlled his situation with strong arms stroking the water and floating with the current for a few minutes. And then he was diving under and powering back toward land till he could almost stand up.
He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He was akin to her standing stallion which she got enormous fees for his stud service. Power was something to observe no matter what form it took.
Crouching down she watched his every move, how he reveled in the coolness of the water washing the day’s work from him. Occasionally she could make out a smile on his face as he rose from the water with rocks in his hand and proceeded to skip them down stream. A man at play after a hard day’s work. She wanted to be his hard day’s work. Marie wanted to be that water that swirled around his loins, his manhood, and his flat stomach.
Feeling herself dampen with the desire to touch him, she continued to watch him for a few more minutes. He was still swimming a ways off the river bank. It was now or never. She’d been putting this moment off fearing rejection but today she was determined to get his attention once and for all.
As she strolled out of the woods she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted his name, waving her hand. He looked around and spotted her. He stood up, stock still and stared as if he couldn’t believe she was there.
Keeping her eyes on him and standing as tall as she could, Marie slowly unbuttoned her shirt.
“Hey, can’t a man have a bath in peace?”
Grinning, Marie slid out of her shirt slowly and provocatively. Plump round orbs of flesh shone in the sunlight.
She had definitely captured his interest. Unzipping her jeans she lowered them revealing she too wore no underwear.
“What are you doing? You’re going to get me fired.”
Fired alright. Fired up, she thought with a wiggle.
“I’m going to join you for a swim.” He seemed to be backing further out into the water as she slowed her steps and made a big deal of removing her boots so she could kick the jeans off completely. She laughed a little hoping he was growing hot in that cold water.
“If your father catches you doing that, put your clothes back on and act like you’ve got some sense.”
Pulling the rubber band from the ponytail she kept it in during working hours, she shook her hair to let the long blonde curls cascade across her shoulders. It made her look older than twenty-five. Since he was thirty-one and she knew he counted himself too old for her, the boss’s daughter, she would prove today that he was wrong.
He didn’t yell for her to stop
as she stepped into the water. Jack simply stood there and stared. It was chilly and her nipples responded right away. She knew her breasts were well rounded and bountiful and she had seen him looking at them before imagining what they would look like without a shirt. Today he would not only see but have full access.
Sliding into the water she swam toward him. It was then she heard him curse loudly and yell again at her to go back. He turned his back toward her.
Ignoring him she increased her speed and before he knew it she was diving under the water and grabbing him by the hips and pulling herself up in front of him. Accidentally brushing her leg against his cock.
He knew he was going to pay for this one way or the other. But how can a man, a human flesh and blood man resist a woman like this.
He only stared at her. First her breasts, then her blue eyes and without another thought he ran his hands down her wet hair and to her shoulders.
When his mouth moved to say something she put her finger to his lips and her other hand ran down from his navel through his curly mass of course hair to stroke his manhood. She felt it rising even more to her touch. Curling her fingers she wrapped them around him and heard an involuntary groan come from his lips.
He drew in his breath suddenly but didn’t move away. Sidling up closer to him she pressed her breasts against him. “Let me touch you Jack. You know you want me to. You’re getting big and hard already.”
After a moment of reaching for his sanity, he threw caution to the wind. His hands continued from her shoulders to find both breasts. He squeezed her nipples and then quickly followed his hands with his mouth. The sweet soft sigh that escaped her lips seeped into him and his desire rose as quickly as a thermometer on a scorching day.
As he sucked them in, the heat from his mouth was in deep contrast to the chill of the water and the air. She leaned back and gave him access cradling his head in her arms. Nothing had ever felt like this before. No one had stirred her blood the way he did. Marie gave him his way and almost slipped beneath the water from the frenzy it caused in her blood.
She continued to slide her hand up and down his penis. Jack moved in even closer to kiss her. Closer. Pausing, he laid his mouth on hers, softly, teasing. Rubbing his mouth on hers lightly he drew heat and desire from her as only a man can.
He ground his hips against her hand. Taking that moment she released him, put both arms around his neck and with a little hop, encircled his hips with her legs. His huge cock bobbed between them.
Dipping his head and catching her neck between his teeth, he nipped her smooth skin. His voice was low and thick with passion. “Not here, not in the water. I want to see you. All of you.”
Jack carried her out of the water mindless of who might be passing by or simply watching. It was too late now. He didn’t care what consequences he would face later. He was going to have her now, and have her good.
Once on her feet she led him to where she had a blanket hidden and proceeded to spread it on the ground where the sunlight dappled through the trees warming them. Dropping to her knees she motioned for him to come closer and as he did, she took his hard cock in her mouth and ran her warm tongue around and around it and then sucked on the tip.
His moan went straight through her. As he leaned into her, she sucked even harder and took most of him to her throat. He moved himself out to her lips and slid himself slowly back in. Soon they were engaged in a rhythm that would have made him come but he resisted and withdrew.
Then he was stretched out beside her pushing her gently to her back. His smile was one of the devil himself as he ran his hand so slowly and in circles down her flat stomach to her mound and let his hand linger there.
She wanted his fingers inside her but he refused to go that far yet. He wanted to play, to pet her, to enjoy the dance her body was involved in. Pressing downward with his hand caused her to lift her hips toward him and try to move into position for entrance.
Whispering, Marie begged him, “Put your fingers inside me Jack. That feels so good. You’re very skilled.”
He nuzzled beneath her ear and whispered, “In due time my sweet, due time.”
Saying nothing more he went back to suckling her breasts and raining kisses down her tummy and along her hip. Using his knee to open her legs he dipped his head as he slid his tongue to the inside of her thigh and brought a cry of pleasure from her lips. Drawing out their pleasure he slowed his pace and kissed and sucked, kissed and tongued her thighs, her mound, back up to her breasts.
Covering her labia with his hand he felt hot pulses run from his palm into her. He could feel the heat generating from her and he could resist no more. He slid his long finger inside her and pressed on her clit with his thumb.
The molten thrill of it shot up from Marie’s middle right to her veins. The blood coursed through her body begging for more heat, more speed.
Drawing his finger slowly against the wall of her vagina seeking her g-spot and finding it, then hurrying his pace Jack lost himself in the wet heat of her and the way she arched for more. In and out and over the magic spot and back again. She twisted, she moaned, she crushed him to her and raised her hips till his strokes reached her cervix.
Rotating, she drew both her legs together holding his wrist to increase the depth he touched. He changed position so he could keep the pace going and watch the look of ecstasy on her pretty face. He smiled and kissed her lips. Marie nearly drew blood as she kissed him back, tongue on tongue as he brought her close to her first orgasm.
“Not yet you beautiful woman, not yet.” Whispering in her ear, he said things to her she could barely understand. Words like, sweet, pretty, devil, and feel it, want it, want me. If he only knew how much she did.
Jack lay halfway over her, his hard leg trapping her spread eagled beneath him. He drew his hand away from her and leaned his head back so he could see her face. “How much do you want me Marie, how much?”
To show him she drew her free leg up and wrapped it around him. he shifted and his fingers were there once again. But only to tease, to make her turn to flames.
The shock of it began her trembling so he quickly replaced his finger with his tongue and dived in with long, quick bursts. She was almost there, his cock stiffened so hard it almost hurt. He wanted to drive himself into her but he was going to make them both wait. Removing his tongue he slipped her hard pointy clit into his mouth and sucked hard.
Wild, basic animal, pure sex. He drove her almost to the peak and down again. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She held his head there and ground him into her. Eyes closed she reveled in his touch, his force, his ability to draw everything from her. Then at that moment, his mouth still on her clit, he slipped two fingers inside her and sent her bucking body spirally up and over, the hot gush of her orgasm sweetened his mouth. Jack pulled her against him hard as he could and drove and drove her over the edge.
They rolled apart for only a moment but the fresh darkening night air bowled between them. Their breath came hard and fast. It was like a boxer going to the corner in between rounds.
When he thought she was spent he was taken by surprise when she leaned over and took his penis in her mouth. It didn’t take long for her to bring him to full stand again. Amazed at his hard length and width she sucked and tickled and rubbed her palm under his balls. That sent a swift rise through him as she drove him crazy with it. When she felt the tip of him wet and slippery again she got on her knees and put one leg over him exposing her throbbing core. When he reached down with his hand to play some more she stopped him.
Perching herself over him she lowered herself until they just touched at the same time Marie leaned forward to take his mouth with her own and draw every ounce of passion she could from him. Blaze turned to inferno.
Rearing back she smiled at him as she sat down on him, inch by slow agonizing inch. Then he was thrusting upward so hard and fast the he had her slamming down to meet him axis to axis.
The shock of it sent her reeling toward an even m
ore powerful orgasm. Her vaginal walls contracted and released, sucked him in even more.
He placed his hands on her hips forcing her to stay down solid and completely still. One, two three seconds. The feeling of the two of them welded together was beyond imagination. She lifted her body till she was only encasing an inch of red hot steel.
“Have mercy, he groaned. “
She stopped moving, completely, with him a short way inside her vagina. And then in one downward shift she took all of him inside her. Her taut walls slid over his engorged member as tightly as a sheath over a saber.
And it was on. She jumped over the cliff into the shuttering and convulsive world of swirling lights and volcanic lava.
He groaned and twisted his hips driving himself further and further into her. Throwing her head back she rode him, moving back and forth, and sideways increasing the friction until she thought they would surely ignite. As his penis thrust against the top of her vagina she shattered again and again.
They both came at the same time, she bouncing from the upward thrust of his cock and him from the tight hold and slide of skin on his shaft. Hot cum covered them both but they kept the position until they simply couldn’t. Exhausted, she stretched out on top of him and marveled at his heavy breathing and the way he held her tightly against him.
This was so much better than she had ever fantasized it. And now that she knew, she would never live without it.
The lone figure up higher on the hill, his hands down inside his jeans stroking his own penis came just as the couple he was watching did. Leaning back against a tree, he slowed his breathing. So the honey girl liked having a man inside her. He could bide his time, but next occasion it would be him she would be taking in, him that would push himself into her till she shrieked. He watched a bit longer until the two of them began again. He wanted to stomp down there, pull Jack off of her and shove his dick inside her. Beginning to feel the heat rouse him once more, he stood up. He had to get back to work. His time would come. And soon.